Biosite Corporate Headquarters
San Diego, Calif.
Inspired by a Bauhaus style and constrained by budget and time, the driving force behind the architecture of Biosite’s Corporate Headquarters and Manufacturing Facility are horizontal and vertical planes.
Using similar organizational patterns while changing materials, colors, and scale, a bold, unique style was achieved. These patterns are expressed in the site’s organization, walkways, building footprints, bridges, elevations, interior wall detailing, interior finish floor materials and project signage.
Part of a master plan for the biotech company, the Bauhaus style wit tilt-up concrete construction was proposed for a majority of the buildings on the 32.6 acre site. The site is organized around central courtyard spaces for employees to enjoy and use for various work related functions.
The master plan comprised of 800,000 square feet of new facilities in nine buildings, including the headquarter building, and a multi-level parking structure.